If you are not feeling well, please assess whether you are fit for treatment.

We appreciate 24 hours’ notice in circumstances where possible, so this time can be used for someone else. As an Accredited Practice, we pride ourselves on an excellent standard of hygiene and infection control.


This usually occurs through sneezing, coughing and direct contact with infected area (nose and mouth) and objects like door handles, magazines, toys and EFTPOS machine.

Sick patients can then mean sick staff

When a patient presents with an illness, like a cold or flu virus, the infection can then be spread to other patients and staff.

Some staff may be pregnant and more at risk for contracting illness, some patients may be undergoing cancer treatment and be more vulnerable.


Viral infections such as Measles, Chicken Pox, Herpes Virus (Cold Sores) and Viral Gastro-enteritis are reasons for exclusion from the practice: just as they are from Schools, Childcare Centres and Kindergartens.

Patients with cold sores can only be seen once the sore has dissipated. Technically, treatment can commence once it has crusted but this usually results in the sore bleeding.

Exclusion due to Sickness is not Discriminatory

• It is our duty of care to ensure all patients has access to care and that while they are being cared for, they do not become unwell.
• All patients are treated the same and no exceptions are made to favour certain patient groups

Help Us, Help You

When you blow your nose, sneeze, use the bathroom or have just changed a nappy: always remember to wash your hands with the soap and water provided. Please note that all nappies must be changes in your car due to Infection Control Protocol.

In addition: alcohol rub is provided for the times when you have contacted an infectious site like your mouth or nose.

Returning for Treatment

Treatment can be recommenced once vomiting and diarrhoea have ceased for 24 hours and you are eating and drinking normally; when you and no longer coughing and sneezing and have a clear nasal passage.

For Herpes, measles and chicken pox: you must have healed sores that are no longer weeping.



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    Yarra Valley Dental
    Yarra Valley Dental aims to provide a family friendly dental service to the people of the Yarra Valley in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. We welcome all people without prejudice to the practice – especially those who are anxious or have not visited a dentist this century!

    Shop 2, 14 Bell Street
    Yarra Glen, VIC 3775
    Phone: (03) - 9730 1572
    Email: reception@yarravalleydental.com.au


    Monday – Thursday: 8am – 6pm
    Friday: By appointment only
    Closed on Weekends and holidays

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