A custom-made mouthguard fits better, will be comfortable to wear and will spend more time in the mouth! An impression of the upper teeth is required and a colour/colours chosen for it to be constructed in about a week.
It may be soft or hard and is advised for anyone seen to be bruxing or grinding their teeth. Many patients are not aware that they are engaging in this activity which is defined as a movement disorder! It often occurs at night but can also occur during the day.
The long-term effects of bruxing can be quite alarming with gross destruction of enamel and dentine (the inner layer) and loss of face height. In combination with acids like fruit juice and Coke-a-Cola the damage can be exacerbated. Whilst many grind, some clench and generate enormous force. These cracks that form can extend through the pulp and cause the patient significant pain until the tooth is extracted- often in bits.
An anti-snoring device is like a splint but involves two guards that are connected and work together to shift the lower jaw forward and hence open the air-way during sleep. They are only recommended after a sleep physician has conducted a full examination and confirmed a diagnosis of sleep apnoea.